Monday, June 1, 2009

Formation of ASA - Abhidhamma Study Association

Dear dhamma friends,

I have the honor to inform all my dhamma friends that there is an association in Myanmar called the "International Institute of Abhidhamma". It aim of this institute is to promote the Abhidhamma in Myanmar and all over the world.

The Chairman of the Administrative Committee is U Mya Than, who has served as Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations Offices in Geneva. U Mya Than and I joined the Burma Foreign Service on the same day. (when we joined the foreign service, the name of the country was still Burma). He is also Pro-Rector of the Institute.

In May 2008, I went to Myanmar to volunteer in the relief and rehabilitation work after the disastrous cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar. At that time I had the opportunity to meet my old friend U Mya Than and he asked me to join his noble work of promoting the Abhidhamma in foreign countries. As I was running a company called "Global ICT Systems Inc., USA", he wanted me to help out in the creation of a website for his Institute. He and I discussed at length ways and means of implementing the noble aims
of his institute. I told him that in this internet age, it was possible to reach out to anyone who is connected to the internet 24/7, this means everyday and 24 hours every day. He agreed and thereby decided to appoint me as Chairman of the Chapter for New York and New Jersey.

This is the reason I have started this blog today.

As most of my friend know, I reached the ripe old age of 64 this year and of course I am aware of the limited time I have. So I decided to do whatever I can for the promotion of Abhidhamma specifically and Buddha Dhamma in general.

My idea of forming the ASA - Abhidhamma Study Association is to gather interested people (not only Myanmar people but every one - people from other belief systems)for the sole purpose of studying Abhidhamma.

How will we do this?

- we will meet and discuss.
- we will meet at various houses of members (at their invitation) for the recitation of Abhidhamma and the discussion of Abhidhamma.
- we will also discuss how to make hard copies, books and CDs for the promotion of Abhidhamma.
- we will also discuss fund raising activities.
- in all these efforts we will be supported by IIA - International Institute of Abhidhamma.

Metta to all.

May all beings be healthy and well.

Kyaw Myaing

Address of IIA

Branch Office (II) Sadhukari Dhammaryone,
No. 295-297, Bo Aung Kyaw Street,
Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: 254102

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dhamma friend
    I have been studying Abhidhamma in Birmingham England at a Burmese Buddhist Temple. I also listen to Dr. Nandamala Bhivamsa on the internet. I would like to study more Abhidhamma, and to have some D.V.D.'s of Dr. Nandamala. With Metta, Pamelapali.
